Time travel to the future

 When I was a kid I saw Star Wars, I remember that I was impressed by the spaceships, the technology and all this idea about living in another planet, or better than this, the possibility of going from one place to another in a fleeting second. 

If you ask me where I would like to go without a doubt I answer to a time when the civilization lives like the people in Star Wars (without considering the galactic empire and the evil emperor and all these things jeje), I think that would be like traveling to the future, but I couldn't specify up to what point in time. At the same time It is curious because in the beginning of the movie the tittle says: " A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...".

I dream with the idea of the space exploration, the "conquest of the new worlds" and maybe the possibility of finding life out our planet, perhaps more than focussing on  planet earth I would like to see the life in another places. 

So, answering the initial question I think that i like more the idea of leaving the present and go for the aventure, sometimes i feelt that I don't have manny things to do here and I imagine the possibility of traveling to another time is very attractive.



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