Changes to my Study Programme

Currently I study chemistry and pharmacy, this career has a duration of 11 semesters,  these semesters have a heavy academic load, for example, in fourth semester 7 courses are taken, including English IV, this with the new curriculum map. Wich the old curriculum map, wich was in effect when I started university, there were 8 courses, the course  given “Botanica Farmaceutica”, is now an innoviate course and merged with the course “Farmacognosia”, actually the course is called “Botanica y Farmacognosia” and given in fifth semester.

When there’s 8 courses in one semester, there are a lot to do, even though some of them don’t require the same amount of study, in this semester all of them required a lot of time and dedication. This leads to a lot amount of stress because the time isn’t enough and it’s hard to accomplish what they expect us to do. So that’s why I think this is one of the things that needs to be fixed by the university, maybe they could take some of the courses and transform them into elective courses, because one of them isn't necessary to our professional future. Also they could improve the teaching methods of the professors, they can teach in one way and not all the students understand it, and there are teachers that who trie to make everyone  understand what they’re teaching.

Considering the number of students that study in this faculty, it’s inevitable to think in the lack of study places and places when you can eat peacefully, because at lunch time it’s nearly impossible to find a place to eat.

In the faculty there’s a lot of things that they can improve to have a more pleasant time in university.


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