Demark, a diferent way to do the things

 I remember than in the midle of the 2020 I was watching TV when I find an interesting program called “siempre hay un chileno”. In the program we can see the life of a group of chileans that left the country for emigrate to another lands and follow their dreams. Without doubt is interesting to see how are the things in other countries, even the common ones. In that moment I met Denmark.

Denmark is a Scandinavian country, it has one of the oldest monarchies and today this country have a parlamentary monarchie like goberment way. Known wordwide for his lifestyle, is considered in the rankings lide, just to give an example, “one of the best place in the world to live”, “the happier place in the world”, “the best welfare state”, etc

Denmark or the Denmark kingdom have a lot of attractions, but personally one that take my attention is his waterways, these are part of the city, navigable, and, in the summer, the people can swim in it, which means that the water is clean, without any contamination, and how much the people ther care about their city. Without any doubt I will try its rivers, in summer to can refresh myself, or in winter, take a bath in the frozen waters and then go to a sauna.

An advantage, in my opinion, is the job. They had a politic quite interesting to us, with excelent salaries and working hours that allows you to work and study in a good way, so, if I had the oportunity, I will, without thinking twice, studying a post grade in this place after travel around its differents cities, because Copenhague isn’t the only atractive city!

I could write pages and pages about all interesting things that I discovered of this beautiful place, but if this country take your atention the same or  more than me just put its name in Youtube and you will not regret. Their streets, the people, the old architecture that mixes with the new one, the possibility to live the present, without the preocupations of the uncertain future or the painfuly past invites us to believe that something better can be lived

I hope that you are well, regards!


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